Friday, 21 May 2010

Too many practical things to do...

Too many practical things to do - I want some creative freedom...!

I was shopping in Manchester the other day and look who I bumped into...Bob the Builder and Wendy (see picture above).

Sometimes being a graphic designer is quite a lonely business to be in, you get tied down by deadlines – find yourself making dinner plans only to have to cancel or rearrange them at the last minute; feel under pressure to meet your client's expectations; I don’t get to sleep much! (perhaps that's because as a creative, I'm endlessly thinking into things to much and feel I ought to be doing more!'s a trait I must learn to control); some times i have been mistreated by other people - they want my services for FREE (or as cheap as a pkt of crisps!!) and my mom cant explain herself how do i get paid by doing “cute drawings” too.

To have creative friends like Bob and Wendy, (characters that demonstrate the power of positive-thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and most importantly, from start to finish, the team always shows that The Fun Is In Getting It Done! has a huuuuuuuge impact on young people around the world, this makes me think — ahhhhhhhh, "get back to the Apple Mac board Cindz and get this job done"

...btw, this doesn't mean, clients who do take the mick can get away with it!!

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