Monday, 31 March 2008

Is Shoe binging...

First day of the month that it didn't rain must had happened yesterday!!!.sun, glorious sun occurred for me and Suz's trip up to Leeds. I'm actually surprised at how quick it is to get up there from Sheffield, I must go up more often. Yesterday, I was going through yet another one of my shoe binges - forget junk food binges, sugar rushes, Haribo panic attacks, alcohol binging, chocolate fetishes...currently I'm going through the phase of shoe binging! it may sound pathetic but it's true. At the moment, the current shoe styles exhibited in the likes of Dune, Office, Shelly's, Schue, Ted Baker, KG, Irregular Choice are amazing..whoever came up with the shoe is my idol. Like any addiction, it defines me and for a while I didn't know who I was.

My thing for shoes had been with me a long time.

I'm five foot five/six and so mainly live in comfy flats if I need to be five foot nine, I grab a pair of heels. Shoes give you instant uplift. It's surgery without the knife. Heels transform the way you walk and carry yourself. You come over all womanly because you are forced to stick your bum out in one direction and your breasts in the other (they're fantastic if you can manage to walk in the things:)...Suz's wacky electric blue stilettos from River Island are amazing - wear them for our next night out hun and the guys will all be qawping and girls hissing!

Shoes give me inches. They give me power. They transform me in a quick, easy way that no other item of clothing or make-up can. Shoes make me feel like who I want to be. I catch sight of them winking in a window or beckoning from a magazine and think that if I had them my life would be different...sounds pathetic right!? (*cindz sighs deeply*)..
That is the essence of all addictions, isn't it? Alcohol, drugs, food - they fill you up to make you not feel your insecurities.

Carrie in Sex and the City said in an episode that if she hadn't spent so much money on shoes she could have bought an apartment!...It is fair to say, people often judge others by what they wear on their feet??? I instantly warm to someone who wear great shoes but I realise that there are nice people with poor taste in footwear. I don't know what it is that I love about buying shoes (any kind of spending gives me a buzz...I've fallen to the mass media and 'Buy me' bullying)) but it's as if my life won't be as good if I don't own that black round-toe shoe with the high wooden heel from Oasis - and once I have tried them on, it's game over.

Yesterday evening, I decided to quickly take random snaps for some of the pairs of lovelies I own (I'm in need of a shoe album to keep record of what I own). The images are just a handful of the siblings I own and adore - and these don't include shoes in the basement...(ouch!)


Anonymous said...

at one point, I have more than 50 pair of shoes, I still can't stop buying.

missie cindz said...

wow candy, seriously 50 pairs!!? U must beat Carrie from Sex In The City, haha!! Shoes are a girls bestfriend - forget diamonds.

Anonymous said...

lol, im forever buying too and even sum are still unworn!?!? why??lol

missie cindz said...

Shoes are great!!!!......they enhance dowdy outfits....U can look glamorous, sporty, casual, girly, trendy...take you pick in style by the choice of a shoe :)